Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bill (On The Main Purpose Of Space Research) As Of April 4th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) The main purpose of space research is:

a) to learn and to experience God,
b) to broaden the connections of mankind to God and
c) to obey and to serve God...

2) Based on our knowledge on God this far we can expect Him in the following terms:

a) in the life, culture and qualities of other species,
b) in the constellations of stars,
c) in supernatural occurrences and wonders and
d) in our own development...

3) The new knowledge of mankind on God should be recorded in a public database...

4) About the usage of the new database on God:

a) it can be used to improve the life of mankind and of other species,
b) it can be used for further space research and
c) it can be used for specific spiritual purposes, too, of course...

5) A brief definition of being a god:

a) God is, of course, the Holy Trinity that composes an eternal and infinite Unity and
b) a god can be any creature of the Almighty God as well that answers the demands of the Creator and that is supernatural according to our knowledge, faith or experience...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

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