Saturday, April 28, 2012

Movies With A Scent

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a prescription that the air-conditioning of a movie theater has to change the air in the movie-room quite often - let's say every 5 minutes... If the air changes in a room so often then it makes a sense to mix different scents to the fresh air, according to the movie you are watching... The DVD containing the movie could also include data for the scent-machine in the air-conditioning...

The movie with a scent is ready... Imagine "Jurassic Park" or "Pretty Woman" with a scent!

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Friday, April 27, 2012

Modern Architecture

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We often marvel modern and contemporary buildings (villas, skycrapers - even factory buildings) because of their simple and clean shape, because of their calmness and intelligence and not at least because of their ergonomy and functionality...

However I would like to warn the fans and creators of contemporary buildings that these modern artworks don't have more decorations in 200 or 400 years either (except for graffities, maybe) - they are going to remain simple and clean, calm and intelligent, ergonomic and functional... Probably a little too cold...

That's why I would like to suggest modern architects to add decent or even abundant decorations to contemporary buildings... So that the buildings become a little more romantic, emotional and warm... If I were an architect I would take my motives from folklore (flowery patterns or animals) - 21st Century barock...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bill (On Perking-up Sundays) As Of April 24th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) All Sundays are a major holiday for Christianity - little Easters or Christmasses, dedicated to the celebration of Jesus Christ... Therefore Sundays cannot be suffocated in boredom, loneliness or sadness which has been an experience of mankind for quite a long time...

2) Solutions to perk up Sundays worldwide:

a) a charitable pop-concert, at least 2 hours long and broadcasted world-wide - each Sunday (can be a devine, too),
b) a meeting of political world-leaders or scientist with the aim to discuss and to solve actual questions, at least 2 hours long and broadcasted world-wide - each Sunday (can lead to new laws, too),
c) a movie premiere broadcasted world-wide, in order to celebrate the Sunday and with charitable purposes - each Sunday,
d) free flight tickets for Sundays (economy class), with charitable purposes (1st and business class) - each Sunday...

3) The above ideas can be changed or extended (e.g. by space flights) and they can be alternatives, too (not everything on each Sunday)...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Monday, April 23, 2012

Mercedes-Benz In The USA

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have got a design concept for Mercedes-Benz: how the German label could build an all-American full-size limousine... List of demands:

a) the car should be a full-size limousine yet no S-class,
b) the car should be very similar in its abilities to the E-class,
c) the car should be more affordable than an S-class and be built in the USA,
d) engines: V6- and V8-engines...

Hopefully the new limousine could be sold everywhere where American full-size limousines find customers outside of the USA, too (Russia, Africa etc) - only that it would be a Mercedes...

My concept car is based fully on the E-class - but it is approx. 20 cms broader and 40 cms longer than an E-class, the height could remain the same... The design could remain similar, all technologies could remain similar - but the car would offer 6 seats instead of 4 or 5 ones... So it would be relatively easy to develop the American full-size limousine of Mercedes-Benz out of the E-class...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bentley Diamond Jubilee Edition

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You don't need to be the Queen of England but you need these pillows... The Diamond Jubilee Edition of Bentley makes the whole series of ceremonies happier and brighter to me - maybe because of the power...

Long live the Queen!

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Saturday, April 21, 2012

iCycle And The City

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dolce & Gabbana have just designed a bicycle - eco-consciousness has reached the citadel of fashion as well... The bicycle is beautiful - but I have 2 problems with it:

a) it is female and
b) I could imagine many other stylish paintings as well...

Only that where do you find an entrepreneur who paints your bicycle with the pattern you like?


a) with the generator you could also charge (!) your iPod or mobile phone on the ride and
b) riding a bicycle is much healthier than sitting in a car...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bill (On The Barock Castle Program) As Of April 15th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) The King is obliged to build a barock castle in or near 12 major cities of the Nation within 20 years...

2) The 12 cities are the following:

a) New York City,
b) Chicago,
c) Seattle,
d) San Francisco,
e) Los Angeles,
f) Denver,
g) Dallas,
h) New Orleans,
i) Miami,
j) Atlanta,
k) Salt Lake City and
l) Versailles, KY...

3) The barock castles need to have a ground surface of 10,000 to 100,000 m2 and their gardens need to cover an area of at least 100 hectares each...

4) Explanation:

a) barock style is about the ability of symbolization,
b) a castle is about the ability of symbolization and
c) a park is about the ability of symbolization so
d) the wish of the Nation etc.

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Bill (On Public Education And Space Research) As Of April 15th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) Life and work in space (in other words: space research) should be a compulsory subject at ground- and high-schools...

2) Explanation: next to history, future (and how it can be realized) should be also taught to pupils with the purpose to teach:

a) optimism,
b) a constructive and creative way of thinking and acting and
c) the security and the tasks of the future...

3) The subject "space research/future" should be taught instead of the subject "technics..."

4) The subject "space research/future" should include more or less computer science, too...

5) Gymnastics should be made also more attractive by teaching work-out, aerobic or swimming instead of acrobatics or athletics...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter In Hungary (Poem In English)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is the translation of the probably most traditional Hungarian Easter-pouring poem in English:

(No title)

I have been in a green forest,
I sat down to take a rest,
I have seen a blue violet -
Let's look for a room to let...

Merry Easter!

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Friday, April 6, 2012

Bill (On The Eruption Of Economical Growth And Sudden Welfare) As Of April 6th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) The inspiration by beauty and fashion waves are about to change our world - let's get prepared for the eruptions of economical growth and for sudden welfare...

2) Social safety:

a) in terms of the legal system and of charities,
b) in terms of bodyguards and personal assistants and
c) in terms of marketing and luxury goods...

3) Private safety:

a) gathering friends and family,
b) searching for a building site and
c) by psychoanalysis and prayers...

4) Secure life-style:

a) spending like a game-changer,
b) sustaining your spouse, family and friends and
c) regular work...

5) Public relations:

a) a connection to Rolls-Royce or another luxury car label,
b) planning your yacht and private jet and
c) a TV show...

6) A secure place in history:

a) taking part in politics and religion,
b) the old school of being rich and
c) preparing for eternal life...

Thank you to all of my fans!

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bill (On The Main Purpose Of Space Research) As Of April 4th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) The main purpose of space research is:

a) to learn and to experience God,
b) to broaden the connections of mankind to God and
c) to obey and to serve God...

2) Based on our knowledge on God this far we can expect Him in the following terms:

a) in the life, culture and qualities of other species,
b) in the constellations of stars,
c) in supernatural occurrences and wonders and
d) in our own development...

3) The new knowledge of mankind on God should be recorded in a public database...

4) About the usage of the new database on God:

a) it can be used to improve the life of mankind and of other species,
b) it can be used for further space research and
c) it can be used for specific spiritual purposes, too, of course...

5) A brief definition of being a god:

a) God is, of course, the Holy Trinity that composes an eternal and infinite Unity and
b) a god can be any creature of the Almighty God as well that answers the demands of the Creator and that is supernatural according to our knowledge, faith or experience...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Bill (On The Importance Of Alaska) As Of April 4th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) Alaska:

a) is an area full of natural beauties that should be protected,
b) is an area that reminds you the most of Christmas and
c) is the gate between Asia and America...

2) Therefore:

a) Alaska is one of the most expensive living places of the Nation,
b) big cities should be also built in Alaska so that many people can experience its elevated atmosphere and
c) Alaska should be connected to the rest of the world in all possible ways: through railways, airports, harbors and satellite connections...

3) I think you have also got place for one highway between Seattle, WA and Alaska through the wilderness of Canada at the ocean shore...

Best wishes, Joseph de la Mikula and Team

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bill (On The Basic Rights Of Soul-Mates) As Of April 4th 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen,

1) The origin of these regulations is the good news contained in the "Sex and the City" TV-series and movies...

2) Female soul-mates have got the right:

a) to run their households like stately run enterprises,
b) to free telephone calls, also internationally (Facebook and Skype are for example not "anti-cultural" but female services),
c) to boyfriends and husbands with a European premium car label and
d) to a 2nd apartment or house in their favourite city...

3) Male soul-mates have got rights based on the "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" TV-series - such as:

a) the right to style, knowledge and a healthy nutrition,
b) the right to protect their interests in front of any authorities,
c) the right to use public traffic and
d) the right to a 2nd apartment or house far away from family and cities...

Best wishes, ACME and Team