Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Relationship Of Politics And Arts In 21st Century

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Giving an adress (mostly as a politician) has got lots of rules actually - and there is a strickt restriction among these rules as well: you must not sing... (I don't know, probably since Emperor Nero...) Joke apart, this restriction makes a sense: if you can do everything and you seem to be kind of a superman - that is frightening...

However politicians are also expected to give an adress with a message and a wisdom... Of course, in pieces of arts there can be the most subtle messages and wisdoms - so a little bit of arts does not harm your success as a leading personality either... (Sports is going to be next...) That is why King Louis XIV of France who danced in a ballet the role of the Sun or Former President Bill Clinton with his spontaneous saxophone plays can appeal...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

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