Friday, July 20, 2012

The 3 Little Pigs

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I promised you that I am going to tell you fairy tales if I don't have any better idea... Now here you have the well-known story of the 3 little pigs applied to heavy industry... 50 Jumbo Jets - Converted Freighters or 747-8 Intercontinentals - are 50 Jumbo Jets anyway...

Best wishes, ACME and Team

Boeing Converted Freighters fabulous at 50

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Boeing 787 Dreamliner - If You Please

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The already legendary figure of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner deserves its place in poetry, too... I could compare the aircraft to Miklós Toldi who is a similar hero in the Hungarian culture to the Middle-Age knights Robin Hood or Wilhelm Tell... Famous for his power, bravery and rightousness...

"Now I recall the times gone by,
good Miklós Tholdi of bygone times." Ilosvai

Like a herdsman's fire blazing on autumn nights
across the vast sea of the puszta, the face of
Miklós Toldi flares before me over nine or ten
generations of antique time. I see, it seems,
his towering form and the thrust of his lance in
scorching battle. The thundering sound of his voice
I hear you would now conceive as the wrath of God.

This was the man, when needed, who stood his ground.
There is no one to match him now in the seven parts
of the realm. If he were to rise up and walk among you,
his works would appear a sorcery. Three of you would
never withstand the weight of his club, his sling or
spear. Your blood would run cold at his terrible
shield and the spurs he wore upon his boots.

First Canto
"He took in one hand an enormous rail
and pointed at the road to Buda." Ilosvai

The sun shrivels up the sparse alkali flats,
parched herds of grasshoppers are grazing about -
not a new blade in all the stubble, not a handbreadth
of green in all the broad meadows. A dozen laborers
or so are snoring under the stacks - all their work
is going fine, but the big haywagons loiter there,
empty or only half loaded with hay.

A lanky sweep dandles its skinny neck into the well
and spies for water - imagine a giant gnat sucking
the blood of old earth. Thirsty oxen mill around
the trough, making war on an army of flies. But
lazybone Lackó hangs on the hands, and who's to scoop
the water up?

As far as the eye can see on bleak earth and sky,
one workman alone is on his feet. A whopping side-
rail sways on his brawny shoulder lightly, and still
not a trace of beard on his chin. He stares far,
far down the road as though to depart this village
and land for other fields. A live warning, you
would have thought him, planted at the crossroad
on a shallow hill. etc

Best wishes, ACME and Team